Friday, September 07, 2007

He Did It!

He's 5 pounds! We were at the NICU last night and he was up to 2295 grams--that's 5 lbs! They had him on a sleep apnea monitor yesterday morning, which had him covered in wires for a few hours and smelly glue afterwards. I didn't notice him doing anything, but that's for them to say. He's getting ready to go home now-he passed the carseat test, we were trained for infant CPR via "video" (don't forget the ABC's of CPR-Airway, Breathing, and Compression), and giving him a bath!

Bath Demo from Jane Yang and Vimeo.


happy bunny said...

dude! where's the johnson & johnsons? how's he supposed to be so fresh and so clean clean if you don't have the suds??

also, i'd like you to know that i too am certified in infant and child cpr. AED trained too!

Angela said...

I LOVE that Gideon's eyes are wide open wide open and he is drinking in the world, as his head is propped so carefully out of the bath water!!

Abre los ojos!