Friday, July 18, 2008


My summer is almost over. I only had seven weeks off and now i realize that 4 of those weeks have passed and only 3 more are left. At first I was really worried about spending all that time at home with Gideon alone. I filled the days with activities and outings. And now, though it is intensely difficult at times to be alone with a little person whose needs and demands always supercede your own, I'm very glad that I had the chance to get to know my little one a lot better. It is amazing to see how much he has changed and now he's going to be a year old.

But what else, have I been doing, you may ask.

Well, when Gideon lets me, I have been:

Watching TV
The complete Jane Austen-They're replaying all of these Masterpiece Theatre miniseries on our digital PBS station. Ad nauseum. Suffice it to say, can I watch another adaptation of Sense and Sensibility again and again? Apparently, I can. I liked Persuasion particularly.

Penelope-Christina Ricci is a self satisfied pig. Fact or Fiction?

Death Note-Bizarre anime series about this sociopath who wants to control the world. Very Japanese.

Project Runway Five (finally)-It's definitely too early to tell who I like, but I'll tell you that I was annoyed they kicked Jerry off. Yes, the raincoat was ugly and somewhat stupid,but it was fully lined! It wasn't some pathetic collection of trashbags sewn together in a loose and hideous fashion.

Reading Books
David Sedaris-His new book was PRETTY funny (not as entertaining as Me Talk Pretty Someday) but the last chapter was incredible. He is just that quirky and self effacing.
Jumpha Lahiri-Her newest collection of short stories was along the same course as all Lahiri stories-but the first two from Unaccustomed Earth made me gasp for breath. Some Amazon reviewer called it melodramatic but I thought they rang too true.
Guns, Germs and Steel-I'm trying to get smart. It seems very common sense but in amazing detail and great examples.

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